New loves and old ones too / Uusia rakkauksia ja vanhoja
Niin mikä tässä nyt sitten on uutta ja mikä on vanhaa? Kehrääminen on vanha rakkaus, tosin vanhalla isomummon rukilla se oli alituista taistelua katkeavan langan ja ylikierteen välillä. Uusi rakkaus on kuvassa: Kromski Mazurka.
So what are the new loves and which are the old? Right. Spinning is an old love, though it has been something I've done only occationally. Until... a certain conversation at a coffee table eating the best cheese cake ever. A friend casually mentioned that she just might want to get a new spinning wheel for herself. So I told her that if she did, I would be buying her old wheel. Last week it happened... I got to bring my new spinning wheel home. It's a Kromski Mazurka, a bit different from my great grandmother's old wheel. With the old antique wheel spinning was a constant battle with breaking yarn and with too much twist, and I mean serious overtwist. Now it's easy (yeah right)
I already spun some, not for me though. It's pink-ish... so it goes to a friend. I've spun all the visible yarn on the bobbin, but underneath there's some yarn made by Zeska and Midori too. I'll ply it soon...
I have also knit some... these socks have already been in use for a while, but the picture was taken only now. It's with our new baby boy, Mikki the poodle. He is nine weeks old, and his mom is our Marketta. Mikki is the tinyest of the litter, he has a brother and a sister, which have already moved to their new homes.
Sukat taasen, ne olivat todella pitkä projekti. Aloitin niitä jo viime vuoden marraskuussa (!) ja ne valmistuivat nyt jo viiden kuukauden kuluttua. Kävin melkoisen taistelun kantapään kanssa, neuloin sen toiseen sukkaan kolme kertaa ennen kuin siitä tuli edes jotenkin toimiva. Ihan ilmainen neuvo: kun aloitat sukat, kirjoita muistiin kantapäät, kavennukset ja sen sellaiset. Viiden kuukauden kuluttua et ihan oikeasti muista enää mitä ensimmäisessä sukassa tapahtui. Lanka on Noro Kureyon Sockia. Ihana lanka, mutta sukkia en enää neulo. Ehkä.
The socks, in the other hand, were a long project. I started them on November last year (!) and finished them after long battle with the heel of the second sock. I knit that three times. A free advice: if you knit a sock, write down how you do it... after five months you really do not remember :-) Noro Kureyon Sock is lovely yarn, but next time it's not going to be socks. Maybe.
Tämän kesän kukat ovat nyt kukkeimmillaan. Kiitos huivikommenteista edelliseen postaukseen!
This summer's flowers are blooming at their fullies now.